Saturday, May 22, 2010

Congratulations Performing Company Members! You did an amazing job at tryouts. Thanks for coming and working so hard. We are super excited to work with you this year.

Class times for next week May 24th -28th. No Class because of the last day of school J We went on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday because of school still being in and we didn’t want them dancing at 11:00 at night. Enjoy Thursday off.






Ballet 2


Performance 1


Ballet 2


Last day of school


Ballet 1 B


Performance 2


Ballet 1 B


Ballet 1 A


Performance 3


Ballet 1 A


Class times for the rest of the Summer






Ballet 2


Ballet 2


Performance 3


Performance 3


Ballet 1 B


Ballet 1 B


Performance 2


Performance 2


Ballet 1 A


Ballet 1 A


Performance 1


Performance 1


Turns and Leaps


We are offering a turns and leaps class this year and encourage you to take this class to progress more. We will need a minimum of 6 girls to offer this class. If you decided to take this class you will need to commit to coming every week.

Parents Meeting

We are having a parents meeting on June 1st at 7:00. One parent will need to be in attendance.


All Placement decisions are made with each student’s best interest at heart and are based on class participations, attendance, progress, ability, attitude, and consistency. If a student is placed in a level inappropriate to their working ability, eventually the student will lose interest in dance. Class should be challenging and fun – not too hard or too easy.

Problems regarding team placement:

*Believing you are “too good” for a certain team for teammates.

*Dancers or parents who want to be in a certain class because their friends are in it or because “they were together last year”.

These issues will stunt a student’s progress. No two dancers or children are alike. Dance is a very individual and focused activity. Each student progresses at their own rate and not that of their friends. Every class is an opportunity to grow, no matter what level or who is in the class.

It is not uncommon to see two students of the same age, with the same number of years of training with extremely different capabilities. Please trust the Teachers and the Directors – we are professionals and care about your child and want them to enjoy dance for many years to come.


A willingness to learn, a favorable attitude, good attendance, practice, and dedication are key factors for accomplishment at Dance Source. Each Student learns at their own pace and each student will have a different level of personal accomplishment. Parents and students should be proud of their own personal accomplishments and not constantly compare themselves or their children to other dancers. Constantly asking “where did you stand in the dance” or “what corrections did you get” will have a negative effect on your dancer and the team. Making sure that your dancer enjoyed their day at dance and continually progresses is far more important.

Please help children learn that hard work and determination will help them succeed! If your dancer has a negative attitude and you fuel that, it will only get worse. You get out of things what you put into them, have a good attitude and your experience will be a good one. Do not let others affect your progress or success. Dance because you love it!

Competitive dance is not for everyone. Competitions season is demanding and hectic. Helping your dancer have a great dance experience is our main goal. We hope they will learn progress and grow not only as a dancer, but as a person. The discipline, hard work and effort required for competition teaches these kids life lessons that are second to none.

Please email me with any questions or concerns you have . This will be easier for me over the summer. You can still call but it may take me longer to get back with you.

Please keep and up dated email address on file with the studio. This is how you will be receiving information for the Performing Company. Also check the blog often for upcoming information and dates

We are so excited for this year. Your all amazing dancers.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Auditions are This Wednesday at 5:00 at the Studio. Good Luck.
come in dance clothes and don't forget your ballet shoes.

Studio and Performing Company Guidlines

To have the Best experience at Dance Source, the following rules need to be followed.
Dancers must com prepared for class. Ballet Class - Leotard, Tights, Ballet Slipper, Hair in a Bun. Turns and Leap - Dance cloths, dance shorts, dance top(fitted NO T-Shirts).
Positive Attitude
Wait until you are asked into class if late
Children not participating in class should be left at home
Use restroom before class starts
Un-sportsman like conduct and profanity will not be allowed at Dance Source
Please drop off and pick up your child on time. Children are unsupervised until class time Student's supervision is limited to classroom time only. Please be advised that there is no supervision before or after you dancers class. Please discuss with your child proper behavior and the importance of not leaving the studio.
Cell Phones should not disturb the class in progress. Students should put cell phones on silent while in class.
No Food or drink in studio. NO GUM

Dance Source wants to promote an environment of learning and discipline. To accomplish this we need everyone to abide by the studio guidelines.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

audition and ballet requierments

Dance Source Performing Company Guidelines 2010-2011

We are looking forward to a great dance season. This information is to help you decided if performing classes are the classes you would like to take to further your dance education. This will let you know what the performing classes in-tell, about upcoming activities, performances costumes, fundraisers, and other questions you might have. You must provide Heidi with a valid email address so you can get all our important notifications and information.

All dancers who audition will be placed in a class that fits their ability level. The audition will place them in a ballet level and a Performing class. They will also be required to come to class twice a week for ballet and performing class. Extra practices may be called but will only be called if extra time is needed to get a dance ready for competitions. Performing company members must be committed from May 2010-May 2011.
Warm-ups- All performing company members will be required to order new warm-ups. (They will be a new style from what we have had in the past).
Costumes- Each routine will require a separate costume. Costume prices may vary, and will be around $70-80 each or cheaper. In order to alleviate the financial stress of everything coming due at the same time we will have payments of $50 due throughout the summer and early fall. You will receive a payment schedule at auditions. Shoes and Tights- Shoes and tights are SEPARATE from costumes. You will be notified of what shoes and tights you will need to purchase when to costumes are decided on.
Dance Conventions- MANDATORY! We will be attending one convention for all performing company members. New York City Dance Alliance, this will be held in October and cost around $250, Hotel arrangements will be coordinated through the studio this year. If you are not on performing company you are invited to attend also. We will be needing chaperones!! Please let Heidi know if you are interested. Choreography- We will be bringing in two choreographers for each performing company. Choreography fees vary between choreographers. These fees will be due the first day of learning. Competitions- All performing companies will be attending three-four (3-4) competitions. Two being nationally ranked competitions ($30-35/per routine) and one to two (1-2) local competitions ($12-13). A complete competitions schedule will be available once all dates are received. Please do not make arraignments on these competitions dates as they all run differently and you may be doing your group routine on one of the scheduled days. Due dates for each competition will be listed on the schedule and we will post these. Fees and reminders will be sent out one week prior to when they are due. Competitions usually run from February – May and are mandatory that you participate in all competitions. Please note that if you miss rehearsal the week of a performance/ competitions, you will be spaced out of your routine and will not be issued a refund for any fees previously paid. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Fundraisers- We know dance expenses accrue quickly; therefore, we are looking for any parents who are interested in heading up a fundraiser committee. We would like to present our dancers with the opportunity to raise funds to help them alleviate some of their dance costs. Please let us know if you are interested. Some girls fundraised enough to cover convention, costume, and completions fees last year.
This is a great opportunity for your dancers to improve on their dance ability. We have seen tremendous improvement in the girls who were a part of our performing classes last year and look forward to helping others grow.

Auditions will be held on Wednesday May 19 at 5:00 pm at the studio. You must be 7yrs old to audition. Come in dance clothes to audition (dance shorts, leotard form fitting top, etc.), and have your dance shoes. Your will be required to wear your ballet shoes for the ballet audition. You will learn a ballet and jazz combination at auditions. They are a one day audition. You will learn the combo, and then audition it in groups of 4. Parents are welcome to watch auditions but they will be asked to stay in the hallway and that there be no talking. If it gets loud you will be asked to leave. They will last for at least two hours. Make sure your girls have a water bottle.

These auditions will place you in your ballet level and your performing company level.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you be a part of our performing company.

Ballet level Placement Requirements

Level 1
 Know how to stand properly. Hips tucked, necks long, etc.
 How to hold your arms and arm positions 1st, 2nd, 4th, low 5th and high 5th
 Working on Single Pirouette with correct pase (Know how to hold legs, turn on releve, with head spot)
 Feet positions 1st , 2nd, 4th, 5th
 Turn out
 Developpe leaps
 Sissonne (scissor jumps)
 Glissade
 Pas de cat
 Arabesque with back up straight
 Pique
 Chaine
 Sutanue
 Changement
 Respect the teacher
 Hold beginning and ending pose at barr and center floor
 No talking during across the floors and center floor work. You need to watch the other dancers.

Level 2
 Pirouettes
o from 5th position
o Full single with control form beginning to end
 Head spotting, and head positions
 Let your body and feet use the floor both at the barr and center floor
 Know your arm placements in both barr and center and use them correctly
 Leaps
 Shashe step leap (use the correct steps)
 Developpe
 Grande jete
 Coupe jete entournant
 Torjete (know how to properly get into it)
 Pas de cat
 Grande assemble
 Contrata (Switch feet right)
 Brise vole (know the basics; which foot is in front when you take off and land, etc.)
 Balance needs to be improving
 Using your back muscles to lift arms

Level 3
 Clean Double pirouette
 Pique fouette
 Know your barr combination after it is said or shown once
 Start learning if you are doing the steps or positions are right, if they are wrong figure out how to fix it without the teachers help
 Stag or barrel leap
 Promenade – with your heel lifting and turning you around
 Single Attitude turns
 Arabesque turn
 Ketree
 Be able to do a small leap into a big leap (developpe and grand jete)
 Coupe jete
 Tourjete
 Side leaps
 Back leap (know how to turn them: there are different ways to turn them, know each of the ways and how to get into them)
 Switch leap

Here are the requirements for each level. It is expected that each dancer is respectful of the teacher and dancers. There is no talking in class, you must come prepared to dance in your leotard, tights and ballet shoes, hair pulled up in a bun (no exceptions) if the dancer is not prepared to dance they will not be allowed to participate in class. You need to arrive on time or early if late you will need to wait until the teacher invites you into class.

You will need to pass off each of the requirements in order to move up to the next class and stay in that class. You will be able to move up anytime during the year once the requirements are meet. The teacher will have a list of what is passed off and what still needs work.

Each dancer needs to know what the steps are when they are said, and continue to work on this in each level as new steps are added.

We will be holding a placement class after the revue to determine which ballet level you will be placed in.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Audition date and time

Just a reminder that the performing company auditions are coming up. There will be held on May 19th at the studio at 5:00. Come prepared to do ballet, jazz and hip hop. (all who tryout will make a company, we will just be placing you in your levels) Good Luck and Hope to see you there.