Monday, July 19, 2010

Garage Sale

Garage Sale Fundraiser Information
Saturday August 7
Ruby Tuesday’s Parking Lot


• Minimum of 75 items per girl. Money from everything you sell will go directly to you.

• Price and label them yourself (you can buy stickers or use masking tape), put price with dancers initials on stickers before Saturday.

• Bring, set up and haul away own stuff.

• Bring 2 or more tables (we’ll need a lot!)

• Bring own water, lunch or snacks and a chair.

• Set up at 6:00a.m. Clean up at 1:00p.m. Be there the entire time.

If anyone has canopies for shade please bring them and set them up.

We will also be selling Casper’s Ice Cream at the garage sale, and profits from ice cream will be split between dancers that are there Saturday.

Spread the word. It should be lots of fun.

Ballet terms test 2

Here are the terms for test # 2.

allegro, attitude, contretemps, sur le cou-de-peids, en dedans,en dehors, demi - pointes, deh-rehy-her, devant, ecarte, efface, en face, ronds de jambes, en l'air, port de bras, saute, a la seconde, sissonne, soutenu, a terre, tombe, vole

Good Luck